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04/23/19 9:12 PM

#117112 RE: jmjjw #117111

If one looks at all the numerous toxic FLOORLESS CONvertible debt notes that career crook, swindler, three-card monte dealer, liar, scumbag, cheater, bunko artist, paperhanger, flim-flam man, gyp, bunco steerer, fakir, conman, confabulist, story-teller, boolsheet artist, larcenist, filcher, pickpocket, low-life, scammer, chiseler, gyp, huckster, trickster, and grifter JACK HANKS has issued for MMEX and their date spreads, one will see that the toxic FLOORLESS CONvertible debt COnversions and dumpages will CONtinue hard through year-end.

It will be a brutal Death Spiral here. It's just BARELY begun!