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04/20/19 7:03 PM

#22872 RE: whizknock #22856

Love the way you think Whiz. I don’t own a pile of shares but enough to be very very comfortable!!


04/20/19 7:11 PM

#22873 RE: whizknock #22856

[[[[***PERFECT STORM!***]]]]

Late Thursday the United States Navy very quietly, with absolutely no fan-fare releases a BOMBSHELL public disclosure on their contract information site.

There was no PR!

The story breaks with long term shareholders who start posting a lot & celebrating on a board nobody else reads.

This in turn registers on Breakout Boards which others watch. They spread the word.

It's Good Friday with markets closed & TMPS climbs Most Watched Boards & word of mouth travels.

Now it's only Saturday OF A 3 DAY WEEKEND & Exposure stays consistent.

In order for TMPS to maintain a level of more than 32,000 reads a day, this stock board has to be read over 1,400 times an hour!

The exposure leads to the realization that those longs holding TMPS knew what the hell they were talking about.

Invariably new eyes scan some of the Due Diligence!

They can't help but see the obvious correlation between the value of Flight International when Scott Terry sold it for $500 million & the obvious, undeniable FACT that TMPS is now worth approximately half that.

Everybody then does the simple math & realizes that at the bare minimum TMPS is a $7 stock pretending to be .15 cents

I mean it's not Rocket Science,,, well, not completely anyway! Read the links here & you'll no doubt see how elementary the math is & how we've really low balled the value here. It's probably more like $8.50

But like I said,,, It's a perfect Storm brewing here & it's still only Saturday.

A lot of smart money will be slamming into this thing.

Monday will be the Mother of All PERFECT STORMS

It's like we say here at TMPS,,,