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04/17/19 1:11 PM

#32592 RE: kupoiu #32591

No, nobody can know. That's how toxic FLOORLESS CONvertible debt works.

Look up "death spiral convertible debt". Nobody ought to be in pennystocks if they aren't knowledgeable about toxic floorless CONvertible and the Death Spiral.

The lower the PPSgoes, the more shares gett issued and dumped, driving he PPS even lower, so the next COnversion results in even more shares issued for the same dollar amount of debt, hey are immediately dumped driving the PPS even lower, and so on.

Aged debt is CONverted and dumped same day in dribs and drabs as the bid volume allows. Because the CONvertible debt is floorless and DISCOUNTED to market PPS, the CONverters assume zero market risk by CONverting and dumping the saneday. Day after day, week after week, month after month.

You see the PPS tank day after day after day.