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Wayne R

04/19/19 4:13 PM

#530 RE: Wildbilly #529

There was a bus crash in Madera, portugal a few days ago. 29 German tourists dead. A very sad thing, but they had to pump it for all it was worth, the news guys.

I've been to Madera, the real question is why don't MORE people die in bus crashes.

Hell, we left our hotel to go for a walk and just walking in the street gave me vertigo and the roads in the mountains are very narrow.

We took a public transport bus into town, scary shit. Don't look down.. Sit on the mountain side, not the side of the road where there's nothing...

Aside from that, we spent a nice vacation. The beaches were few and far between.

TODAY the big news, or all the news they could dig up, was about dogs shitting on sidewalks and owners not picking it up. Apparenty Nantes, where I live rated low on the scale of cities where people pick up dogshit, but Paris and Marseille rater lower.

The radio announcer had someone from city hall on the phone to explain the problem. Here's the fun part...
They are creating a smartphone app so if you see dogshit on the sidewalk, you can take a pic, the app will define the location and it will be sent off to city hall and they'll take care of it as soon as possible. within minutes apparently

A serial killer was sentenced to 30 years in prison after years of trials and I suppose the years of trials didn't really make it news, so dogshit lasted 3 times as long to report.

I don't make this shit up

Wayne R

06/08/19 4:17 PM

#550 RE: Wildbilly #529

It is now 2 months later. Do you remeber what happened?

After stops and starts, my son found a job that he really likes and fits with his qualifications.

Thing is, he can't tell me what he's working on. Sworn to secrecy.


I won't mention the name of the company, I might be breaking the secrecy, but they have production facitilies as well in Atlanta.

That aside, I was out in the vegatable garden today, some guy stopped by to take a look at my work, we started taking.

He asks me, "are you english", I say no, Canadian, from the english speaking part. Guy grabs my hand and starts shaking it "thank you, thank you for liberating france"

Yesterday was the aniversary of D day, lots of Canadians lost thir lives....

I tried to tell him that I didn't do anything, my father wasn't even born yet and my grandfather was never in the war but he continued shaking my hand like I was a war hero.

It is entirely possible that he was slightly drunk....