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04/16/19 5:40 PM

#25681 RE: BottomTurn #25664

Actually some of the byproducts that are emitted when the CBD starts to degrade are toxic. It only produces a small amount of toxic chemicals but there are some there as well as with most thing that start to degrade. It’s just part of the process of breaking down. Any chemistry student can tell you that.


04/18/19 7:12 PM

#25736 RE: BottomTurn #25664

hi...don't post here often...have had the stock for a while thought..


I have to look further into this, but even leaving water out heating up in some of our plastic bottles, I'd assume is toxic.

I have not heard a word regarding toxicity though...

Um, not for nothing, but some of us "old" people grew up in the 60's and spent a decade or more smoking joints, and what havea you, when it still had to be hidden for fear of arrests.

As far as CBD. I read an article recently about CBD, and it offered a free sample, with only $5 shipping and handling charge. Thought, shoot, why not..Supposedly doesn't have THC in it, and I can vouch if it does, it is minute amounts! LOL

So, it came, and with my WHATEVER attitude, I tried it..Been having major issues with arthritis throughout my body in my knuckles, by my knees, and a few other places...The bones/joints on the bottom of my feet were so swollen and sore, I was having a horrific time walking. Me, who spent half my life in the gym..arrrgg..But anyway, the product came in liquid form, only requiring a few drops to be rubbed into the affected area.

Now, I am NOT going to tell you, miraculously light shown thru my window, while angels sang, and took it all away..LOL.

What I can tell you, is that within about 15-20 minutes of rubbing it in on my joints in my hands and on my feet, I definitely had an improvement.

On a good note, the sample bottle has lasted me at least 2+ months, as I only needed maybe 5 drops each time.

But, with scoliosis, and 2 ruptured disks, I have had to have back surgery and it was considered failed back surgery, which is actually how many end up. So, the only thing left to do of course was to be placed with a pain clinic, with 2 different drugs to try and at least get me to a functioning point. And it worked, thankfully. Didn't take it all away, but helped a lot. I HAVE BEEN WITH THEM AT LEAT 4 YEARS OR MORE, making sure I didn't end up addicted, while juggling pain symptoms...puke puke..

But with this CBD, I have been able to cut down by at least half of my pain meds, and sometimes even able to cut down more..And that's awesome.

So there is my intake, for what it is worth.
Then again, you must go thru a reputable company. I honeslty can't tell you how reputable this one was - I cant only tell you it helped me a lot! YEAHHH