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04/14/19 8:02 AM

#37546 RE: goforthebet #37545

goforthebet, Under the Precious Metals heading section, there are often articles pertaining to gold/silver companies at:

You can somewhat keep up with the PM sector browsing this site daily. They cull pertinent PM articles, just like with your daily updates.

Here's one article, for instance, from today's postings.

And this one: How to Invest in Gold Stocks Without the Gold Miner (It's about gold streaming company, Wheaton Precious Metals.)

There's always PM articles here, along with the current price of Gold, Silver, US Dollar, and the Gold-Silver ratio, all with charts that are updated continuously.

I long ago gave up giving recommendations, because there's nothing better than one's own due diligence while searching for companies that deem attention.