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04/12/19 11:16 PM

#8366 RE: sumisu #8365

I stand by my expectation of "Peak People" in 2021 and a planned and sudden culling of 500+ million in 2021.With the U.S. seeing the biggest loss of life as we are the biggest eaters at the natural resources buffet.I expect computer viruses and biological weapons will be used to thin the heard in 2021 and again as deemed necessary when we repeatedly hit a natural resource wall.Be it energy in the form of oil or food we will hit a wall more than once until population drops to a viable level.I don't see this crisis being allowed to happen on it's own over a long period of time.Someone with the ability to control the die-off will likely do so to avoid risking a Mad Max scenario.We will keep our toys but we will be much fewer in only a decade or two.Perhaps a billion or two will be the sustainable level.And we won't be escaping to Mars.It's too late for a painless transition.It's too late to run away.2021 is zero hour IMO.