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04/10/19 8:10 AM

#134362 RE: Delsurfer #134358

Thank you Del for spending you’re hard earned money and informing us with your DD. Quite the interesting read for sure!


04/10/19 8:46 AM

#134365 RE: Delsurfer #134358

Agreed thanks del for putting up your cash and your time to shed some light on that particular situation


04/10/19 9:43 AM

#134378 RE: Delsurfer #134358

A huge debt of gratitude to you Delsurfer! I wonder just how much this issue has been affecting things?
It definitely has to be a major piece of the puzzle! The stress alone would drive most people crazy.

Pardon my metaphors...I get carried away.... but from a distance, the takeaway is that Iconic is taking on water while Arrayit is raising its sails. This company will no longer be held hostage.

In my mind, this legal battle is just one more episode in the continuing saga of 'righting the ship'. Arrayit was once on the verge of shipwreck, but is now not only afloat, but buoyant. Iconic are pirates whose business plan is to plunder vulnerable parties who are struggling to survive. They are predatory cutthroats and scavengers who are not used to losing in court.

But as Arrayit emerges from the shoals it has become apparent that we have a good legal arsenal and some pretty strong winds at our back. We are definitely in safer waters today than a few years ago.

However, while safer harbors are in sight, there are still a few short miles to sail before the books are cleared and we can open the hold and see just how rich our cargo is. When we do, I am sure we'll break out the rum.


04/10/19 3:30 PM

#134495 RE: Delsurfer #134358

Delsurfer, Thanks for taking the time to read and post all the details about the case.

Interesting to note that Arrayit is concerned about the pps plummeting if Iconic is allowed to sell the shares, when Arrayit is doing plummeting finely themselves by playing games with the fins filing date causing Nielsen and others to sell tens of millions of shares crashing the pps by 75%.

And apparently they still owe money to TCA which has priority conversion rights. Hmmm.