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04/09/19 5:38 PM

#31578 RE: Cowboyeeee #31577

Nice post! Thanks. I only own a few shares but may decide to enlarge my territory here. I think things are finally about to change with this company, along with that region, in a very big way.


04/09/19 5:40 PM

#31579 RE: Cowboyeeee #31577

So is there a line of tanker trucks running day and night hauling the sold oil away to a buyer. Or is there a pipeline in use, or under construction, to take the oil away to the buyer.

Or are the only buyers the ones that Brown sucked into his almost 2 decade long con job?


04/10/19 9:01 AM

#31590 RE: Cowboyeeee #31577

For some that are still confused-speaking of which

MJ#1 was not a dry hole and those that report it as a dry hole are simply

citing reality. First, can we start with the concept Schlumberger as an oil driller has the expertise to define the term Dry Hole? If one can accept Schlumberger a major oil services company is in a position to accurately define oil terms, then we have:

dry hole

1. n. (Drilling)
A wellbore that has not encountered hydrocarbons in economically producible quantities. Most wells contain salt water in some zones. In addition, the wellbore usually encounters small amounts of crude oil and natural gas. Whether the well is a "duster" depends on many factors of the economic equation, including proximity to transport and processing infrastructures, local market conditions, expected completion costs, tax and investment recovery conditions of the jurisdiction and projected oil and gas prices during the productive life of the well.



1. n. (Drilling)
Slang term for dry hole
Alternate Form: dry hole

By ZN's own admission it did not, and could not produce economically quantities of oil. Just because they found a teaspoon of Kerogen or oil, along with salt or worse fresh water does not make it anything but a dry hole. Those are the FACTS. Any claims otherwise are misleading, and false.

If the reader wants to recite those magic words "due diligence" over and over then a little research will yield ZN is within the range of where Oil Shale (not to be confused with Shale Oil) exists. Thus, the claim "light oil" has been found is not backed by FACTS. Kerogen associated with Oil Shale is in the same API range as light oil.

All ingredients are present for an “active petroleum system”

Wishing for something does not make it so. There was no evidence of source rock, or a reservoir. Certainly no flow driven by the so called "high pressure gas". Where no economically recoverable gas was present. There is no evidence of any "active petroleum system".

yet. 3D testing analysis will now show more accurate locations to hone in

Yet before the MJ1 well was drilled 3D was considered to be too expensive. So now all of a sudden it's not that expensive, and they are going to perform it in a narrow range of the entire lease, after drilling the DRY HOLE called MJ1. Nothing like doing things backwards. Why in a narrow part of the lease? Because the locals won't allow them to drill elsewhere, and endanger the aquifer.

2D brought MJ#1 very close

To multiple minor fault lines. Guaranteed to drain off any past mythical oil pockets. Nice drilling technique there. LOL

and they barely touched what is down there

There was nothing down there to touch. And nothing was touched. One could argue ZN management is slightly "touched".

In my opinion they will find the commercial reservoir. Just a matter of time.

Much more likely to find the lost tribe of Israeli dinosaur skeletons. There is no commercial reservoir. The ZN fairy tale is Brown by using scripture is going to find the mythic reservoir that no major international oil company, and no local home grown Israeli oil company could find for literally decades. That's nonsense.

My shares are not for sale plus I will add to them. I have a lot of shares.

A current SH with shares need not worry about any entity being out to get em. It's simple enough for demand to be satisfied by the PDPP offerings, and continued dilution of the O/S&float. There's plenty of shares available via the PSPPs. Always in these Microcrap scams, the cry goes up someone is after their shares, as huge share dumps are occurring.

I support Zion and the country of Israel

Now there's the mystery of ZN. A real oil company has as its objective - money$. A return to its SHs. When putting on their White Cowboy hat, they throw in ethics/environment or the like.

What they don't claim is that they are on a religious crusade to make Israel or any other country oil independent. They aren't inspired by scripture to pre-locate where they are going to drill. They don't drill blind without having the 3D first. They don't drill 1 Dry Hole well every 3 yrs, while misleading their SHs into thinking there's a mythical reservoir just waiting to be discovered. Then again, that's the normal mode for the Brown gang, as he pillages the church circuit with the fund raising PDPPs. In that context ZN SHs have gotten exactly what they wanted: A Microcrap scam under a formal SEC investigation, with an aptitude of being able to drill DRY HOLES in the past decade, and more to come - assuming they can raise the funds. Those who believe should keep buying.


04/10/19 11:25 PM

#31603 RE: Cowboyeeee #31577

sounds good

to back you up on your statements,zn found more than a teaspoon of oil-and it wasnt kerogen, as dd has shown/posted many times from zn's filings-

we dont know how much oil there was in the 90-110 barrels /day they were getting from the small acid triassic job-where they found "light oil" as per chromatographic readings - only that it was not commercially economic to produce

but since the oil they did encounter was essentially in the very bottom -within 100 ft -of the well bottom of 5060 meters -and since the huge offshore gas stratum is 5000-7000 meters deep

and since the medeg fields to zn's sw in the same stratum that flows thru zn's concession to syria's oilfields -namely the palmyra stratum/rift-were close to 5k deep(e.g 4700 meters), there is a fair likelihood that an oilbearing strata in zn's concession would be just a little deeper than the 5060 meters zn drilled- how deep was the afek/genie well(s)in the golan?

delek purchased an onshore concession just 20 miles to zn's west-on the supposed basis that the offshore stratum which has produced huge offshore leviathon gas fields for delek and others -continues east under onshore israel

and the intersection of a line from leviathon thru deleks new onshore concession buyin and the palymyra strata from syria to telaviv and jerusalem meets in zn's concession!!!

re another criticsm,just to deal with one of them, there are very few aquifers in israel to threaten-unlike the usa- and we dont hear much in the usa(except presumably in a few local areas) about oil operations damaging aquifers-where a lot of fracking has been done

i've posted articles re how israel gets most of its drinking water from desalination plants now

even in an article and publication critical of israel posted here before,said article noted that fracking would NOT be a problem in the golan heights area,which is where most of israels natural fresh water comes from! So the logical conclusion should be that onshore oil operations are not a threat to drinking water!! especially as zn's concession is downstream from the golan

the entire history of zn's operations and the search for oil to the north, west and south of zn's concession logically leads a non biased mind to conclude zn's concession may very well have a commercial field. Otherwise we are to believe zn's concession is about the only area concession to not have a commercial field-unlikely.

For these reasons and more than can be discussed i think zn's concession has a commercial field somewhere.

zn's disclosures indicate as you say a system of cap rock, high pressure and high temperatures often associated w oil or gas fields.
the 3d, as zn made clear, is to determine whether there is such a field in the mj1 area,since they found a system there,to see e.g., if such a field was displaced vertically or horizontally by a fault line etc.

an added benefit of discovering such a field within the 2.5 mile 3d radius of the well is that a new well could be placed on the same well pad,thus saving considerable time and money on a new well,since horizontal well trajectories can now be made as much as 5 miles horizontally on top of the vertical depth drilled