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Replies to #7481 on Bible (Bible)


11/15/06 10:33 AM

#7482 RE: plugger #7481

Good Morning Plugger!

Often Christianity is confined to the building we call the church, seems organized religon forgets that the church is the body of Christ.


A question that haunts me is: When in the presence of a non-believer do I reflect Christ or do I blend in? Daily I ask God to put someone in my path for me to witness to and the ability to recognize that opportunity when delivered. As Christians, to me,
the greatest mission field is where ever God puts me (us) daily.

I must confess there are times God does put that someone in my path and instead of opening up I close up.
And I feel like crap after wards!

We have a sign on our front door leading outside.
It states........ You Are Now Entering The Mission Field!

I tried to hand those signs out in church. Spent my own money on it because I knew it be a fight just to get it through the church.

From what I could see people talk a great game but when it's time to put something on their door to remind them they for a host of reasons decline.

The church imo over the years continues to talk about mission fields as being some place one gets on a plane or boat to go to. Nope it's right outside our front door.

It amazes me if you look at a churches mission budget what does the budget have in it for home missions?

I use to attend one of the biggest churches in Washington State. One of the reasons I left is their out reach budget had a whole 10k in it. That wasn't even 1% of their budget.


What does that tell you? Follow the money it will tell you where a churches heart is.

Turns out they were more interested in being known through out the world for over sea's missions then LOVING THEIR NEIGHBORS!

It's called a career church!
People in leadership were more interested in getting their names out there then following the commandment LOVE Thy Neighbor!

Thanks for sharing your personal thoughts opening up.

I hope more and more come here opening up. We all like I just confessed are far from perfect. Never will be perfect.

But we can draw strength, wisdom, from each others experiences.