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Antonio C

04/01/19 3:39 PM

#638 RE: M Bell #637

I reached out to this Marvin Washington, as he has a very public profile on social media. He stated that he knew Myron Bell back in 90s, lost contact for 2 decades and was in contact with him. Not anymore as their paths in life have gone in different directions. He said Myron is upset for some reason that he wouldn't divulge. I asked did he have any interest in joining Vzillion, he said he would get back to me...and we left it at that.

Vzillion looks forward to seeing everyone next month and by the end of this week, we will have a process in place to refund all disgruntled investors. Don't want or need your money.
Believe me, Vzillion is well funded.

Antonio Collier Founder CEO Vzillion.