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04/01/19 2:08 PM

#164078 RE: TOM611 #164069

I like it when Fantasyland comes up with more void of facts FUD nonsense against the company. LOL

Unlike what Fantasyland believes, WIPO and USPTO do not "publish" food recipe! They PUBLISH IP work backed by Scientific Research.

For those who are not aware, the academia's peer-review is mainly an Educator's show off game. It doesn't make a penny for the poster.

A patent grant IS what makes millions or billions for the companies. That is what ALL public and private company work so hard to get and that is why they prefer to put their research on the patent organizations.

A company can have hundreds of peer-review and not patent grant...still NO PENNY! NO MONEY!

A company can have one granted patent and zero peer-review and make billions of dollars!

That is the difference between the peer-review publication and patent publication.

Glad I could help fantasyland with the facts...again! :-)

Good day/afternoon/evening/night to all shareholders...