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04/07/19 2:07 AM

#306688 RE: fuagf #305972

Transparency International's 2018 CPI drops US out of top 20.

"America’s Corruption Is a National Security Threat"

Americas: weakening democracy and rise in populism hinder anti-corruption efforts

Region is failing to fight corruption despite some progress

Snapshot of the region

With an average score of 44 for three consecutive years, the Americas region continues to fail in making any serious inroads against corruption. Compared to other regions, the Americas is similar to Asia Pacific (average score: 44), but behind Western Europe and the European Union (average score: 66).

Canada is consistently a top performer on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), with a score of 81 out of 100 on this year’s index.

The United States remains in second place below Canada [in the region], but dramatically drops four points since last year to earn a score of 71, its lowest score in seven years. The US hovers close to Uruguay in South America, with a score of 70, and Barbados in the Caribbean, with a score of 68.

At the bottom of the index, Venezuela remains stuck at 18, reflecting systemic and persistent corruption across the country. Venezuela is followed by Haiti (20) and Nicaragua (25) to round out the region’s worst performers.


From President Trump (US) and President Bolsonaro (Brazil) to President Jimmy Morales (Guatemala) and President Maduro (Venezuela), the Americas region is witnessing a rise in some leaders and leadership styles that favour a number of the following tactics:

* an undermining of free and independent media, especially when coverage challenges leaders’ messaging

* a silencing and control of civil society and international organisations

* an increase in voter suppression and disenfranchisement

* an increase in anti-immigrant, anti-LGBT, anti-indigenous and racist language

* a rise in public promises for simplistic and “strong hand” approaches to solving deep-rooted and complex societal problems, including corruption

* an interference with or blunt use of national institutions to weaken the system of checks and balances and increase executive power

* an increase in conflicts of interest and private influence


Australia keeps top 20 place in global anti-corruption survey, but some say more can be done


Australia has remained among the world's top 20 cleanest countries in an annual corruption survey
in which Denmark and New Zealand come out on top and the US has been knocked out of the pack.