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03/29/19 8:37 PM

#285856 RE: snakecorleone #285855

HHSE is 5 million in debt and growing...

And that amount is just what we who actually do real DD know of out there in verifiable court decisions and documents. On the corporate debt not to mention the personal liabilities.

HHSE has admitted on numerous occasions via sworn court testimony that the company is functionally insolvent. They literally have no cash on hand and in fact have a negative bank balance (meaning they owe money) in the one bank account JSJ was able to uncover after serving 30+ writs of garnishment on everyone HHSE has ever had any connection to.

HHSE owns zero intellectual property - zero, has no representation or marketing services contracts with anyone - at all - period. Can anyone list the four "tentpoles?" Of course not. In their latest caper, they've attempted to ditch their last landlord who is suing for non-payment of rent as outlined in the lease agreement they signed.

As someone else stated, it's Parkinson, Shefte and a pathetic dog squatting in a former local penny saver office ignoring creditors, former associates, former employees and everyone else coming after them for money they own. Just take a look at the court docs in the local ARK courts, not to mention everywhere else in the country they've lost slam-dunk cases in.

They were sued twice by a former book keeper for non-payment of salary and the dude had to get a court order just to force HHSE to repay a measly grand or so a month in back wages.

HHSE's CEO got sued for not paying a credit card with a $750 dollar limit - are you kidding me?

P.S. - HHSE lost another $1,825 just in interest on their outstanding judgements. And that's just today.


03/29/19 9:00 PM

#285857 RE: snakecorleone #285855

Nobody believes this. NOBODY!

Will the gigantic can of folgers and old iMacs come with the sale or will that be extra?



03/29/19 9:08 PM

#285858 RE: snakecorleone #285855

Spot On Snake! Next week could very well be the beginning of something Beautiful! ONWARD AND UPWARD! Eric and HHSE a Team Ahead of its Time!