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03/30/19 6:45 AM

#1249 RE: Bull_Dolphin #1248

It could all be to do with this TPM thingy!

It is being quietly developed and it is obviously the best security device in the world but, maybe, it will only be formerly revealed when governments and major industry are ready. Then we will all be told to "turn our TPMs on" and the IT world will be much safer.

Infineon just introduced a 2.0 TPM for industry, last week, and their stocks plummeted! All other stocks that may use the TPM are not doing very well so when a major figure or company tells us about it, maybe the stocks will pick up, jimvho!!


03/30/19 8:27 AM

#1250 RE: Bull_Dolphin #1248

In fact,

GTX Corp. just announced a contract with the Sri Lankan government and where do the stock go? You've guessed it!