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03/28/19 8:16 PM

#78073 RE: Dontnosheet #78067

your analogy is not even remotely the patents.


03/29/19 2:49 PM

#78106 RE: Dontnosheet #78067

I agree. I've been saying same for years here. I read as much of the patents as I could handle. Contrary to some, I would never pretend to even come close to understanding every nuance of the patents & how they purportedly work, and especially how they purportedly are absolutely necessary to the use of voip service in general, as Malak clearly framed it long ago. The way I see it, we were told it took approx 20 voip engineers & approx $17 mm to create the core patents. If that is actually true, then common sense tells you that those who keep saying "read the patents, just read the patents", want you to believe that their knowledge is equal to 20 voip engineers paid $17mm. That's ludicrous in my view.

But as to the small bits and pieces (of the patents) I was able to read and understand, my general feeling all along was they were too vague in places where they needed to be very very specific & detailed. For example, the use of relays in the routing. This has been put forth here numerous times, speaking on the testimony of the apple expert, and how he allegedly accidentally admitted to infringing on the RBR patent. I knew that was a ridiculous assumption and a unrealistic stretch. I posted about it here. I posted about how the use of relays in routing is no more than a generic use. It's like saying all cars use the same basic air cond. system or braking systems. I also posted numerous examples of relay routing solutions that were available and how routing was used before vplm or digi-phony-ca was even on the scene. Some might ask, at that juncture, well, why then was no prior art found in the alleged exhaustive searches by USPTO?

The answer, in my opinion, and as I've been saying for a long time, is there are cabals. Basically 2 cabals. 1 is pro vplm & the other is anti. They both realized long ago the potential for insane amounts of money via the promotion of vplm or the shoot down of vplm. It involves lawyers, judges, panels, pumpers, insiders, friends & family, etc etc. The pro side has known for long that to promote & support vplm to keep on keepin on, would bring in lots of bucks for many and that's exactly what has occurred, and might continue to occur.

And the anti vplm side of it, wins by keeping vplm from the big score. Many billions have always been at stake and so I knew it's human nature that the whole thing would not play out fairly & honestly & unfettered.

When such massive wealth is at stake, the cabals always naturally move to fill the wide open vacuum and the deal making commences. This is how ridiculous occurrences such as the yearlong decision it took the ptab, or the several number of judges panels that were tossed & reelected, or the insane boldness of the Michelle Lee to openly admit to fraud and to openly state defiance of the Supreme Court ruling in the matter, or how about this decision by fed judge loose Lucy? I dont think anyone thought it possible, all things considered up to thst point, that she would simply kick vplm to the curb. These decisions don't make sense until viewed thru the glasses of the cabals vast interest in all the money, fiat money, thats been available to those who latch on to the support side. It's way well known & documented, the corruption in the 1-2 punch twins, the USPTO & the PTAB. I researched it long ago. I also pointed out that when the decisions made by the known corrupt USPTO/ptab support vplm, then they are praised as hard working, diligent experts, but when they rule against vplm, they are crooks. HOW CONVIENIENT!!!

It's all so laughable and I have been pointing these very things out, all along AND then coupling that with the biggest fact ever about vplm, which is in approx 8 yrs of trying, no sale, no license, no settlement (along w/the fact that neither digi nor vplm could wait to get rid of the patents as soon as they got them and in vplm's case, lying to the shareholders & potential shareholders about how now that they have secured the technology (the patents), they would immed be folding it into their platform and immed start collecting on the zillions of new "subscribers" (voip services) and the royalties from licensing, which of course turned out to be the biggest lie vplm ever told, but it brought many many on board and generated the sale of massive amt of shares.

It's all part of a Bernie Maddoff like playbook which has been playing out for years and years and now that loose Lucy has dealt a death blow mortal head wound, you see immediately those who see it as nothing more than another cheapy buying opportunity and are already predicting the gap to fill shortly, which is not likely.

Vplm = toast