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03/27/19 2:58 PM

#221014 RE: Blade$dream #221011

All is well business wise looking at the progress being made on a monthly basis. Because this is a genuine business it has been an organic process. Without the hype of a typical pinksheet things will progress slowly but surely. We all got bitter after it peaked, (mostly on hype) & then sank back to these abysmal & frankly artificial levels.
It' going to take a while to get the SP up to respectable levels, especially with some toxics still hanging around. Thats going to be a damper for a little while. However once they are gone I see blue skies ahead, really this technology was a bit ahead of its time but eventually we will see our apps become more mainstream. We got in first & have all the best patents so we are sitting pretty good. Once the the authorities & the greater public wake up we will be fine.
In the meantime Steve is busting his **** getting the word out & with the facebook exposure coupled with the massive advertising campaign kicking off in April we are definitely getting there.
Jut don't expect too much too soon. Long term hold for sure, we are in a different phase now. Add when you can.

$$$$$ 2019 $$$$$