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03/27/19 2:09 PM

#688 RE: ebase22 #687

I disagree. Imo, showing revenue ramping up is more important than showing improvements in margins and expenses. Showing demand is there and needs to be dealt with asap is key to getting the stock to get above $6. I agree to go higher after that will involve how much flows to the bottom line. However, right now they just need to prove to everyone that they have the demand (and ability) to get to $12M/qtr or higher asap. Backlog #s are the best indicator of that right now outside of actual quarterly results.
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03/27/19 2:54 PM

#690 RE: ebase22 #687

Why revenue is more important than margins or expenses imo:

$15M/qtr x 32% margins (figure that's the best they get anymore) - $3.0M in expenses ($450K above current) x 0.74 for full taxes (Fed & Calif) divided by 10.2M shares = 13 cents/share. That's 52 cents/share full taxed. Assume everyone hates them (but sees the potential still for further growth) and they get p/e of 15 = $7.80.

Would I be happy with $7.80 a year from now? No. Would I take it? At this point yes.

I don't think you can assume margins are going to 35% unless tariffs go away. I think you have to assume expenses go up far more than they are saying. The question then becomes can they really get to $15M/qtr? 165 employees + more coming plus the money spent on automation means they are trying to get there. No doubt they make it in time if the demand is strong enough.

I think for long term shareholders the hope is they get to $15M/qtr asap and to heck with margins and expenses. Backlog #s are the only thing that shows there is demand. That pr comes in early March. The next news is earnings in early May and that will depend less on Q1 numbers and more on what production rate they are doing for Q2.