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03/26/19 10:03 AM

#79484 RE: MeatSlice #79481

I completely agree MS... they have to be holding back some sort of bombshell piece of news. To go completely silent, during critical times is not a good look... UNLESS you have an ace up your sleeve.


03/26/19 10:10 AM

#79486 RE: MeatSlice #79481

Things are definitely coming to a head.

As it stands now this stock is deader than Doo Wop.

It's nearly all MM manipulation at this point with tiny retail trades every once in a long while.

To be frank, I think MMs are not only keeping CELZ down, they are also "carrying it" - keeping it from falling further to avoid de-listing issues if retail begins to seriously jump ship. This theory may soon be tested.

All we need from these people is a simple update with substance.

Meanwhile, crickets.


03/26/19 10:12 AM

#79487 RE: MeatSlice #79481

You really expected anything from this cesspool of arrogance, ignorance and sh-hostility? One of several reasons why I don't touch this anymore.


03/26/19 10:25 AM

#79490 RE: MeatSlice #79481


Put up or shut DOWN


03/26/19 11:49 AM

#79504 RE: MeatSlice #79481

Agree meat, say goodbye to the atm if things remain the same


03/26/19 11:59 AM

#79505 RE: MeatSlice #79481

The one thing I would add a little caution too is the expectation of revenue from Q4. It could be decent or a disappointment depending on what you are expecting, because most of the doctors were not generating revenue until Q1 2019, personally, Q4 will be every interesting as you said, but Q after Q this year will be where we will see revenues.