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03/22/19 5:11 PM


EDGE is an established provider of technical services in the areas of Internet, phone, energy efficient lighting and HVAC technologies such as PoE LED lighting and VRF HVAC systems. We have immediate plans to use, promote and support electric vehicles in the Northeast United States and have identified 4,000 square feet of space in our NYC headquarters to use as a showroom for 2050 EV product distribution. We're excited to support 2050's goals in the areas of efficient business operations, technical excellence, product affordability, supply-chain efficiency, market awareness and owner-experience. We look forward to building a business like 2050 leveraged to the high growth markets of electric vehicles, lighting and technology.


03/22/19 5:15 PM


All worth reading again ETFM
Ted and I have worked on technology projects for roughly 20 years. We have been discussing and analyzing multiple opportunities in the PoE, LED and IoT (Internet of things) markets. In the future, and certainly by the year 2050 (, we will live in a world of smart cities that have connectivity to all devices, including electric vehicles, indoor and outdoor lighting infrastructure, and anything that can have a network connection. I believe Ted's experience and knowledge will be invaluable to 2050 as the Company attempts to grow its business. To this end, 2050 is no longer just an EV company since it intends to target PoE LED lighting, IoT, and Smart Cities.