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03/22/19 1:58 PM

#25908 RE: rkrk #25902

I hear ya, however people need to remember that this isn't a company that can be related to very easily. This is a very complex machine being built, so complex that bears can easily scream "scam" and many listen because they too don't understand it.

Not to mention this is all within the complex AND hairy world of the legally fluid cannabis sector. So much is changing so quickly while these companies are trying to create a place to survive, AND survive at the same time. They have to navigate legal regulations with the FDA, the SEC, and DEA on the federal side, while also dealing with bureaucracy at the state level, all while dealing with big pharma, big hedge funds and with none or very little help from OTC and/or big banks.

This doesn't even take into consideration any, and the very real threat from, all the competition.

So when I hear, "we need more info", I understand they don't want to give away the goose. When I hear, "we need more direction", I understand that the waters are as turbulent as the current strong and I'm just glad the boat isn't sinking. When I hear, "where are the products", I understand that this market is huge, yet still in its infancy. Instead of wanting them to just get something on a shelf that may never sell, I'd much rather have the research done to make sure a product will sell well, and the company will profit from it.

People lose interest when time is the only seemingly changing variable. I get that too, however I also understand that what we see and hear, especially here and now, is nothing compared to the volume of work being done by the people behind the curtain and that work isn't stopping or slowing, it's snowballing in size and scope. I don't expect to see moves in the PPS like yesterday very often, but given the dynamics of the industry at present when moves DO happen for whatever reason they will continue to be outsized until the industry matures.



03/22/19 7:15 PM

#25924 RE: rkrk #25902

I don't get how anyone cannot see a bright future here. I don't see missed deadlines because there aren't any attached to their announced plans.

I read the complaints and can't find a factual basis for them.