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03/19/19 7:30 PM

#3154 RE: PennyStock Alert #3153

Hold da bag time


03/19/19 7:33 PM

#3155 RE: PennyStock Alert #3153

I agree, a healthy consolidation but misery for those who bought MUCH HIGHER before the Q was assigned. Those folks are limping and bleeding. If WINMQ keeps selling off like todays 18% there wont be much to brace support in the .09's.


03/19/19 10:46 PM

#3170 RE: PennyStock Alert #3153

After being down 99%. The misinformation and sideways nonsense trying to show this company in bankruptcy as healthy, is laughable.

S6 billion due.

$12 BILLION in total liabilities.

Bankruptcy? Yup! LOL!

Common shareholders will most likely be completely wiped out. It's really very unfortunate.

Goodnight my friends! Tomorrow is going to be a bloodbath!

.20s coming soon!