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03/19/19 10:08 AM

#60101 RE: hweb2 #60099

I have found ideas from Hweb and others extremely profitable.
The other person has been a great annoyance lately.


03/19/19 11:52 AM

#60103 RE: hweb2 #60099

Hweb- Here's the way it is

I have posted for the last 15 years with consistency. I have given detailed DD on just about every stock I ever picked. Until about 18 months ago, I generally listed the picks I liked from time to time, with a paragraph or two of the reasoning behind why I liked them. Through the years, in addition to the standard DD, I also have brought up off the cuff ways of speculating future earnings as well ie assuming dilution with bad balance sheets vs peers(to see what EPS would be assuming higher fd share count, but more normalized balance sheet health), and going back to the income statement and improvising future earnings using guidance revenue numbers(and any other hints) from the company found in the earnings report. All this helped quite a bit in getting a handle on true valuation vs peers, and I shared all this with the board.

With all this, as I gained greater success and moved from micro to mostly small and mid caps, I started getting attacked- at first by KIK, and then by some others, mainly picking on my style. This is going back around 9-10 years ago. These were unprovoked attacks, and had nothing to do with frequency of posts, simply in disagreements with my reasoning of how I was doing my valuation analysis. From 2004 to 2009, I don't recall hearing any of this, and I never mentioned my track record or the like. However with KIKs incessant attacks over time on my style, I felt the only and best way to defend myself was to state my track record. That was the ONLY reason I even mentioned about my track record. These persistent attacks continues to be the ONLY reason I mention my track record.

Now true, since 2018, things have been different in my posting. I am not picking nearly as many stocks, as I've hated this market since early 2018. Still for the stocks I have picked, I feel I've done detailed DD, which I've shared with the board. Recently with PDEX for example, I looked through 4 or 5 10Qs, and the most recent 10K, and spent a few hours doing so. As usual I shared my findings and opinions with the board. I do realize that lately, and since late 2018, I have been posting more about the economy than stocks, as I have played mostly the SPXS. I also realize that I have been posting a bit too much about one stock or subject(likely out of frustration), and I will tone that down.

However one thing you don't see me doing is, attacking others for little or no reason. Yes I may defend myself against an unprovoked attack, but it's not my style to get so pissed off when I see others posting ridiculous info with weak or inaccurate DD, that I would be even tempted to attack them, especially not in a viscous manner. As I've stated many times, that's mean spirited, and something that should not be tolerated on this board. However that is exactly what's been happening lately. Now for those who dislike hearing someone's posts, there's nothing wrong with putting that someone on ignore. However to put someone on ignore, and then keep taking them off ignore to see what they're saying, and keep reacting to what they say, and keep attacking them anyway, makes no sense at all to me.