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03/16/19 11:10 PM

#374395 RE: Zorax #374394

The good news for Bennie is that the inmate jobs in most Federal prisons are a joke. You have basically 15 minutes to maybe 90 minutes of actual 'work' each workday, so everyone had basically a ton of available free time. As a result the inmates are partying all the time. That's the good news.

The bad news is that all the parties are in the showers and storage/utility closets.


03/16/19 11:29 PM

#374396 RE: Zorax #374394

Do you suppose Bennie's awesome Photochopping skills were applied to his forgery of the bank cancellation stamp on the check he provided to the TA as evidence that he paid for shares that he didn't?

Do you suppose he falsely claimed a $250,000 basis for his capital gains on his income taxes?

WHOOPS - OOPS!!! Add at least one count of income tax evasion to his list!