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03/16/19 1:45 AM

#50549 RE: CryptoDragon99 #50542

There's a big hole in your theory... CCTC has NOT been
"paying their officers a half million per year salary from the money of shareholders that actually put up real money."
Rather, management has been steadily accumulating shares for years in lieu of a cash salary. If their technology is not commercially viable and they don't sign licensees, they are screwed... and so am I.

Understand that this technology has been proven both in the lab and in real world testing, so the patents have value regardless of current commercial viability. If this company collapses, the patents and test plant will certainly be sold and debts paid, and shareholders get the shaft. If management didn't truly believe in this technology they would not be hording shares like precious treasure. Instead, they would be paying themselves in cash at the expense of shareholders, or accepting IOUs to be cashed out upon success or failure.

I have never heard of Salvani. If we're playing guilt by association... if Salvani's loose connection to Liscouski makes him a crook, does that make Liscouski's friend, President George W. Bush, a crook too? Strike that... 50% of the country would probably say yes. Ha. Regardless, it means nothing because Liscouski has only been a board member for a few months and has yet to be ratified by shareholders; He has NOT even been paid yet.
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03/16/19 4:28 AM

#50553 RE: CryptoDragon99 #50542

NOT to mention Insiders Sandoval, Imeson, Fife SEC VIOLATORS

Finally, I'm see some rational discussion about the swarm of the known SEC VIOLATORS...

Taco Sandoval approx 20 million shares (10%+) SEC Trading Fraud, Suspended License, etc

John Fife/Ilead Trading (9.98%?) Go figure, holds similar 9.90% holdings and approx. $30m penny stocks, known SEC VIOLATions, SEC Settlements over $530,000

Patrick Imeson/Black Diamond/Wyoming New Power (WNP)
- Another 3 decade history of SEC Violations, settled with SEC for over $500,000...actualy sentenced to prison...did time. Now this is the cat who started WNP...which is the company that's supposedly getting $10m, or $50m, or $80m in financing that has been stated, re-stated, etc. for a few years now that really is vapor story. Guy actually tried to run the same clean coal-like scam to get state funding for a location with a previous fraudster.

from my DD...I'm seeing an accumulated debt to date well over (-250,000,000). This CCTI patent was orriginally issued in 1997 then assigned to CCTI's previous name...Saudi Minerals? yeah, Saudi Minerals, based in Florida...regurgitated into Clean Coal Technologies over 10 years ago, patenets re-assigned for $20, yes, TWENTY dollars. Then some legal hype with getting patent protection in other countries which really means NOTHING.

Yes, ON the IP...lab test? of course University backing? The same yahoo professor CCTI paying to fly around...same guy that looks for grants and uses ANYTHING clean coal related to keep him in academia??? NOTHING to substantiate any numbers hold try at industrial scale. NOTHING to back up ANY claims at ALL re: commercialization? Hot Air Ballon/Blimp Travel is doable? Should We? Can We? Is it Safe?

No 3rd party, NO industry, NO Smart Money Private Equity, Venture Capital, etc...

Like I've been saying...there is this recent LIST of inside influences that have histories of scamming, fraud, etc. Sandoval's Q3 filing of a $.30 share purchase that actually was transacted in January which timed to the 52 wk hi...was a fraud. ANOTHER SEC VIOLATION.

...THEN there is the LIST since this company has been around...previous CEO SEC Violator got canned did settlement.

This company is a sham....THIS technology is VAPORWARE.

NOW these $1 million/yr. CEO/COO gonna get these crooked INSIDERS to OK that the shareholders don't have to review/approve their CRAZY compensation????