Don't waste your time. Plenty of people have been out there and there is absolutely nothing to see. MMEX has pushed dirt around this little patch of useless desert acreage simply to hook "faithful" investors into believing there was some construction progress happening. MMEX's goto CARROT. It was laughable, only the ZANY followers fell for the ruse. MMEX shelled out a few thousand dollars for grading a road (multiple times LOL!) and in the past 9 months have 1.5 MILLION dollars of "SGA expense' to show on the last 10Q.
That's right $1,5000,000.
For a penny stock share selling company that has done nothing but push dirt. A one person operation and $1.5 million dollars of TOXIC LENDER MONEY "spent" on the backs of "MMEX STRONG"
This gig is pretty much over for MMEX, MMEX has screwed over every single shareholder to date and only the third party promoters are left and they don't buy MMEX stock.
And the promoters have (AS PREDICTED) walked away for a few months until MMEX next insane carrot is presented for them to chomp on.