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03/14/19 8:13 PM

#374334 RE: underdog150 #374333

Absolutely amazing reading the spin that it's all the short's fault not the Foleys. They had to do the R/S because of the shorts. They wanted to make the company a success but the shorts killed it and made them do unethical things. Anyone writing such idiocy is either connected to the Foleys in some way or lost mentally in the world of fake conspiracies. Posting the worthless short report daily even though proven time and time again does not represent actual shorting in the stock is one example of the shift in blame and how oblivious to reality some are. A simple call to FINRA which I have done and the believers of this daily posting should do would instantly remedy such falsehoods. Of course then I bet some would spin it as if FINRA is involved in the short conspiracy as well. Ironically several of the phoney shells that were set up to dilute the company and make the Foleys money were set up way before the R/S which completely invalidates their arguments anyway. Amazing after all the lies, Wells Notice and now the SEC investigation some are still in denial and think this board which has reported all the lies and discrepancies over the years are the scammers and the outerweb fan club which deleted the truth and defamed the honest were honest and honorable.


03/14/19 8:20 PM

#374336 RE: underdog150 #374333

The perfect Post to sum up NTEK/Foley

A___, thanks for your reply. First, I fully understand why companies go public and agree that capital is vital to growth and expansion. (I frankly found that portion of your reply to be a bit insulting.)

That said, you continue to blame the shorts (remember that I am long and holding) for the demise of this company. All I am asking is that people reject the BS that Foley fed us since the inception of this company (the list of lies is long and notable) and recognize him for the criminal he is. He is not, nor has he ever been a "businessman". He is conman who belongs in prison.

No reputable firm or individual will have anything to do with him or his company given his sordid and criminal history. He is not a tech genius as has so often been posted this board, he simply steals other people's technology and repurposes it for his own personal gain. If there had been any marketable, proprietary technology here, other major firms would have been tripping over themselves trying to acquire a stake in the company or partner with them in some way. Instead, Foley milked the company for his own personal gain and will leave a valueless shell and a bunch of scammed and disappointed investors when he heads off to prison.

The reverse split you referenced was done by the Foley clan for THEIR benefit...everyone else took it in the shorts. It was not designed in anyway to help the company, other than to create "smoke and mirrors" to cover Foley's other antics and increase their take.

I feel badly for everyone on this board (with the exception of the company shills and paid ________) as we all lost money while fatso pocketed millions to buy property and cars. I also respect your passion, your commitment to this stock and your belief that the shorts brought it down. Respectfully, I disagree with you and the others who share that belief. Let's simply agree to disagree and move on. My best to you.

"Those who want respect, give respect." - T