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03/14/19 12:55 PM

#2215 RE: DR5 #2213

It is amusing to read the comments

Mining is not a magic formula that only some people in Utah own.
The precious metals either exist or do not.
Drill core is like a needle in a haystack unless properly followed with a intense drill program.

If you find something of significance then further drilling is initiated.
Has this been done?
Two holes have indications how many holes were drilled with no indication?
You need data and this takes MONEY.

Leaching process to recover precious metals is not new or unique.
But reporting them as to indicate that somehow it is relative to the value of the resource without actually drilling and full spectrum of first class Assays from recognized labs like SGS sounds very sketchy.

When you add the list of characters involved outside of the Board you have to shake your head and say what am I doing.

Good luck to all