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03/13/19 1:52 PM

#7098 RE: RodinLP #7097

No problem, I'm usually around doing my odd form of DD. ;p Sorry to hear about your friend's loss, and hope he's not putting any blame on you. Nobody likes losing, especially that kind of $$. Maybe he can appeal? I enjoyed Cher myself. It's amazing the things I can dig up and things I can think up when I have too much time on my hands, especially when combined with Miller Time! lol!

I took a closer look at that stock you mentioned. Looks like that would have been a good one to have gotten into the same time as CYTR, Dec 2018. Then we wouldn't have been stuck holding so long. One difference jumps right out, it's not a biotech! lol! Does Nic still hold CYTR shares? I'm sure looking forward to the day when we can see CYTR pps do something as good or better. IMO, I think we've waited long enough, but for whatever reason we must continue waiting until our "ASAP" arrives, SOONer or LADR!

N has been saying that for as long as I've been on this msg board. I'm not sure what his/her agenda is but n was MIA for a while, so maybe that's a sign? I just like to banter with him/her as no specific facts or links are ever provided. I'm sure I'll hear back from n SOONer or LADR. ;p

While spending time over at the "twits", I keep thinking if only CYTR pps rose .01 for each of "Aunties" DD posts regarding SOON/NK/NH, we'd already be in $6 Paradise! lol! But no pps help thus far with our Ides of Revolution sked for Friday 3/15. But we'll get Spring for sure next week, and maybe an ER surprise! Aldox needs to be made available to those patients who could benefit from it ASAP! Unfortunately, they have to wait like us SH's, but their situation is much more desperate with no time to lose. Those are the ones I feel for the most. :(

NK is my only stock up today, but I own so little it barely moves the needle on my account. Looking like a good day to head to the club and hang out with Willie and the Boys. Got no links today. ;p

GL 2 us all & CYTR!