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03/13/19 12:08 PM

#5982 RE: Trueheart #5981

After working at lowering my CB over the years here, I too am content with whatever happens, and also not worried about a return to the bragging level point you mentioned. I think we are holding up well,... think we are good into summer in spite of gloom predictions for the overall market.

I also missed the December lows due to tax balancing, but did hold on to my $6 units of early dips before they even considered the turnaround. Hence a decent cost basis on book without the generous payouts over 3 years.

We are in a great place IMO, as there is upside potential to be realized when they perform as we expect. So many traders do not take the time to read and follow the changes and only react to market forces as lights come on in front of the blinders they wear.

I suppose you can be successful with TA as long established patterns repeat, but I prefer to develop a comfort level through lots of reading, while looking for other quicker bucks to be made around the casino...


03/14/19 7:01 AM

#5984 RE: Trueheart #5981

I’ll whip you a little. Would I like ngl to be 15-20 yes. I believe it will be by the end of 19. Ngl has been a gem for me and will continue to be as long as they stay on track with the divs. Coverage is great and discussion of raising helps me sleep. For a couple years I owned about 4-6k of ngl at 11-22 but at the end of 2018 sold one of my properties and accumulated 70k ngl@my new cost basis 10.10 without divs. So since January 1 I’m up 210,000 , not counting +15k day trading ngl. plus it’s paying me 109,000 yearly. Gem status !! Not looking for a buyout as it would be painstaking to replace that 109,000 safe div. But at the right price I will live with it Say 20??? That’s +7.00 x70,000 =490,000 again Gem status.