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03/13/19 10:42 AM

#326 RE: NORTH LAND #325

Good...Thanks! AIVN just waiting to see if the PR ever comes to give us some current up to date company dealings!
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03/13/19 1:27 PM

#328 RE: NORTH LAND #325

That does not mean....Jack S##T..........sorry Jack......Haa.....haa....haa that is a funny.

Anything that Jack is posting on a topic is general information on his own person tweety bird account. So FREaking What?.......He posts on all kinds of BS......because he is retired and has time to play. it don't mean jack because NO..... connection to AIVN are mention or implied. All great information......and that is ALL.

Do you think he is reading tea leaves and pumping this that way? Ahhh come on......grow up and get a brain straw man.

Yeah can try to get a hard-on for such immagined BS.......but why jerk your mind around with fantasy? This is hype of immagination is only ever fantasy on some readers mind and nothing else.

That is why Jack said ...."Northland".... was posting lies and acting as a moderator to hype lies.I brought that to his attention and the next day he called Northland out.

None of that BS by him helps anyone. I own a lot of share of this......LOTS.....I am stuck with toilet paper so far.

Yeah.......I want it to go up also, but I don't want to see people get screwed on hype and BS. That will not help me or AIVN to lie to people because, if anything ever does show up here and its for real. We will see that with a PR and that PR would not be beleived if people where being scammed here by BS.

That is no way to be in business.

We will probably get plenty of hype and BS from anyPR's as it is. That is the very risky nature of pink sheet stocks. Very risky and almost never do things ever work out.....but when and if they do?.......THEN YOU CAN HYPE AT YOUR HEARTS CONTENT.......AND I WILL HELP.

YET.....It is very hard to get funding or moneys......that is why all the great stories over the years have died and also because of ....imo.......incredible bad luck or what ever it was always bit AIVN in the buttttt.

Sure......I would like to see a connection with cryptos and the resources and those resoources backed by some form of crypto may be?......MAY BE?......MAYBE?......

But don't get your clenex out yet to celebrate with a tug or two......just because Jack is posting on his twitter account. He can dream and like what he likes. He also posted on Clint Eastwood.......but I don't think he is comming on to the board as chairman or anything. Not connected in anyway to AIVN.......You are not going to hype that are you?...........Right!

So?????.......we got nothing ......until we got something. When will that be?.......Will it ever be?

Haaa?........the is the "money" question here grasshopper. saave your strength and your clenex for the real thing.....because I will be on your case if you BS......because then you are hurting my investment. YOU SEE?

I will wait with you. If they could talk and if they get something to talk about they will let us know at the right time simply because they have too and it is for real. To hype now?........what for?....Who will it help? nobody.