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03/13/19 2:28 PM

#25378 RE: Blizzld #25374

Blizz, you really do not understand! The past, recessions etc. etc. have nothing to do with now or the past ~3 years during which Bates has done NOTHING! Whatever he did years ago has long been washed downstream and the company is in dire straits. You don't understand that delisting or revokation does not mean that the company cannot raise funds to remedy the problems. You make it sound like that means the company will be euthanized and buried because some angel investor is all that can happen and you suggest that your guesswork is that something will happen is a few months. You have been saying that for a ~2-3 years. Nothing has happened! That is why a convertible note or any other short-term loan is absolutely appropriate during this "nothing happening" period. They are not "ON" the OTC! These periods do NOT fix themselves. The ONLY thing that actually makes "sense" is to use a convertible note or any similar short-term debenture to give funding to a new CEO to specifically fix the reasons that the company has been delisted! Dan Bates has accomplished NOTHING in that regard. Doing NOTHING produces exactly NOTHING. That is why CEO's are, in fact, booted and replaced when a company is in trouble because the founder has become fixed and useless. If we wait for your months down the road, it is most probable that more of the NOTHING is the result. It is time to DO SOMETHING instead of sitting around thinking Bates will do something or some magic will walk in the door with a boatload of money. Leave the distant past out of it. In the entire interim, Bates has made bad decision after bad decision. Bates needs to step down (NOW) for a new CEO that can be given a note for the "SPECIFIC" purpose (task) of getting done what Dan cannot (relisted). If not, all of us shareholders will lose what little is left. NOW, not the past or future months, years...NOW!