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03/15/19 3:51 AM

#3949 RE: ChuckG1 #3930

In reading the ups and downs of the posts, I would like everyone's opinion on something:

If CNBX is keeping the price down for basically 2 years now, why?

It is understandable if they want to avoid having to go to the big board and face tougher scrutiny ($ 5 and above), but keeping it this low?

How much time do they need to "let their friends in" before they let it jump from 34 cents to $ 3.40?

Does anyone have any opinions or DD on what benefits them to keep the price extremely low? So low that they are driving investors away?

I started researching them in 2014, bought in in 2015, so most of my shares are .03 to .15 pps. June 2016 was the sweet spot because you could get in at 3 cents and by September/October you were at dollars and by February 2017 you were at $ 7.43.

Then, it came down and is back to about twice my main buy-in back in 2015. Why would they hold their price down for 2+ years? Again, how long do you need to get your friends in on the deal before you can let it run, even if staying below $ 5 and avoiding the big board?

I accept legit DD and even conspiracy theories, but if you reference something, I prefer links. I always do my best to provide links any time I post news, etc.

Thank you for your time, Jim