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03/07/19 12:07 PM

#159540 RE: thelionwarrior #159538

Of course its a POS. But played right there is money to be made.

devil dog 96

03/07/19 1:23 PM

#159541 RE: thelionwarrior #159538

""NEWS FLASH"" There all scams in the OTC and the biggest scams are the most profitable ones for the traders. You have to play the hype. If there going to be putting out news at the end of March then there will be hype. They need hype to create volume to sell there shares (scam us). That's how these scams work us right? They dump shares? In the OTC you have to learn how to ride the hype and get out before the company floods the market. Once you know how the OTC works it's not that hard to grab your fair share of the loot being thrown around. Good luck to you.

No moon riders for this one, but good money can still be made here if played right.


Crazy Money

03/07/19 9:29 PM

#159546 RE: thelionwarrior #159538

Scams run BIG...they will do it again...

I hope :-D