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03/06/19 11:11 PM

#70483 RE: dms1 #70481

Nanosys and Nanoco will have a tough time competing in India without production facilities there because of the Make in India policy.

There are India Display OEMS.
There are China and Korea Display OEMS already in India. That's fine if they MII, but they cannot import cost effective QD, and they don't have 91%Rec2020 QD.

Their goose is cooked.


03/07/19 6:47 AM

#70489 RE: dms1 #70481

Come on, man! Everything is zero sum. You don't need an NDA to know it is us (QMC) vs. them (Nanoco, Nanosys, etc.). There's no room for multiple suppliers. Plus, you can't invest in Nanosys, so there is that, too.

Look how far Squires has gotten us with just trade secrets and without Robin having to borrow, sell, and late report again! And it's in a fraction of the time it took those nerdy Indophobes Hartlove and Edelman, though the latter did have a great Super Bowl.

Obviously, QMC can not make it on their own. Shareholders must do their part. Let's print OLED bumper stickers using our University of Arizona* screen printing license and hand them out in all the Smart Cities in the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Japan, China, India, etc. It could say something like, "The Future Looks Bright because I know I Own a Vetted QMC Inside QDSC Made in India by Licensee JV with Automated Flow... (Negative) Bitches!" Too short? Nah, that should fit perfectly across the bumper of our new mokihana berry colored special QMC shareholder edition solar Tesla's waiting for everyone in Princeville.

Okay, almost time to squeeze some OJ and listen to MADE IN INDIA. BTW, it is bigger than a policy, it's an
initiative! Though I'm not sure protectionism is necessarily the best way to go about it.

* Let's hope the licensees don't keep missing and renegotiating their minimum royalty payments like QMC's done for... well, forever.