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03/06/19 1:10 PM

#76631 RE: gastric #76628

Sounds like Emil, who's nothing more than a restaurateur and not a technology guy, got convinced by someone that this would fly and he's now praying via broad accusations that the patents are being infringed. Thus the reason why no one on wall street believes the VPLM story and why it is a .07 share price. Very easy to figure out.


03/06/19 1:13 PM

#76633 RE: gastric #76628

If that were the case, it would seem the VPLM lawsuits would have been thrown out, long ago, for being frivolous nonsense....?????? Why didn't aapl, et al go straight to court, rather than the long, expensive, circuitous route through PTAB??????????? SEEMS THEY WOULD HAVE GONE STRAIGHT TO COURT!!! This makes ZERO sense!


03/06/19 3:03 PM

#76645 RE: gastric #76628

Hi Gastric,

I asked myself the sames questions when I was looking at VPLM. Basic due diligence I guess :) This is conclusions I came too, partially based on experience in telecom, and partially a bunch of assumptions that may come back to bit me later.

Does VPLM does not own the mother patent of all VoIP?

What excited me about the patents was the fact that they are a defined method that included not just Routing; but Billing and Rating methods too. The other patents all use similar processes and features so its more of suite that address key area of telecom. are they the mother of all VoIP Patents, I think collectively they are strong. If VPLM wins ALICE then I will upgrade my opinion :)

"assuming VPLM's patents even survive PTAB, and also survive ALICE, they still have a long, long way to go... "

I agree and disagree; If VPLM wins ALICE then they then have to go to court for settlement. Even if they win, Apple will appeal, and if they loose again, try many other tactics to negate paying compensation. BUT; if VPLM wins ALICE, then I suspect that other industry heavy weights may be interested in acquiring or supporting VPLM in the case.

BTW: Of the 151 Patents that you shared, I scanned the first 60 patents but found none that pre-dated or appeared to be similar. I will keep scanning.

"However, as seen in their court filings they don't have any idea what specific products are using their IP."

I don't know about the truth of this and would like to add one more questions (if there are any legal experts reading)

when Apple chose to deny the validity of the patents, it seemed like they were not contesting infringement claims - just if the patents valid. So, does this mean that if VPLM patents are found to be valid that Apple is by default automatically infringing? I suspect the answer is more convoluted - but, would like to know.

Thanks for your questions - I do not know if my answers/opinions help answer you at all, but your persistent questioning does help me focus my due diligence!.