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03/05/19 10:02 PM

#217964 RE: dukelasilvertbird #217956

God I hope you’re just joking with that question because if you’re an investor whether new or experienced you should know this:

My “source” is THE SEC itself.


See for yourself. ONCI has not filed a REQUIRED QUARTERLY FILING SINCE 2014. (Quarterly Periodicals are known as 10Q’s. They are due Three times a year.)
ONCI has not filed an audited Annual report since March 2014. Annual periodicals are due after the end of the 4th quarter otherwise known as the the end of the fiscal year. They are known as 10K’s.
10K’s, unlike 10Q’s MUST BE AUDITED. 10K’s are the only periodical required by the SEC for financial reporting that must be audited. Quarterly reports (10Q’s) are not required to be audited but some companies do choose to file audited financials.

Many new or inexperienced traders often mistake a 10K for a 4th Quarter 10Q but it’s like this
1st Quarter 10Q, 2nd Quarter 10Q, 3rd Quarter 10Q, and then after the 4th Quarter has ended, a company has up to 90 days to file their 10K or annual report which is a compilation of all 4 quarters with year end results.

Companies have 45 days after the quarter has ended to file their 10Q. If the 45 day time frame cannot be met for the 10Q the company may file a NT10Q (Not Timely Quarterly Report) and receive 5 extra CALENDAR (not business) DAYS before becoming delinquent.

Companies have 90 days to file their annual report (10K). If the 90 days expires without a report the company may file a NT10K (Not Timely 10K) and receive 15 additional CALENDAR DAYS. If that extension passes they are delinquent with their filings.

ONCI has not filed any 10Q’s or any 10K’s since 2014.

To point a fact, and if you follow the link I’ve provided, you’ll see only 5 documents exist with ONCI since they went dark with financials in 2014.

1.) An 8k stating that ONCI’s financials for the first 9 months in 2014 should not be relied upon because they issued those without their registered accountants authorization.
2.) An 8k stating that basically all of their senior management (PRESIDENTS, CEO’s CFO’s etc) had resigned.
3.) a beneficial change of ownership.
4.) a formal notice from the SEC that the SEC has revoked their securities registration (due to delinquency)
5.) a notice that Steve Berman was selling stock.

Here’s the “source”

ONCI is in big trouble. They have not filed with the SEC.

ONCI is actively trying to fool people by telling them “of course we file, we just file on an alternative filing system with the OTC)


If you want to be a publicly traded company and stay a publicly traded company YOU MUST FILE THE MINIMALLY REQUIRED PERIODICALS WITH THE SEC.

ONCI is not and has not been doing that. The SEC has already revoked their registration. Now the OTC has a yield sign up.

The clock is running out before the SEC outright halts ONCI.

If Steve doesn’t immediately rectify this, shareholders will wake up and before the market opens or when the market opens they’ll see “INVALID SYMBOL” when they look for ONCI and then they should go here to confirm that ONCI has been halted and their worst nightmare for ONCI has actually happened:

Hope this helps