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03/04/19 6:30 PM

#94009 RE: cdiddy01 #94005

I agree they saw something, but I'm not sold that it was data that did it. If it is mostly cost issues then that doesn't bode well either...

You are right. Just a few days before AMGN pulled the plug, Ken confidently told the world that $450 million in payment was lined up from AMGN based on hitting certain milestones/meeting targets. No more bragging rights as ADXS is now on its own. With a MC that is on life support and cash reserves evaporating with each passing month, the company has no one to blame for the events that follow.

What is that saying ' a bird in hand is worth two in a bush'. Sadly, they do not even have enough bullets left in the rifle to target the two in a bush. Just one take - hit & kill, or miss & lose it all.

As far as I know Ken is a lawyer, not a sniper.