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03/04/19 8:43 AM

#3447 RE: JacksBack #3446

I silently remain just at the side of the pool hiding in the reeds with one toe in the water. I'm watching this constantly and it is likely that I am going to make a large purchase here very soon and I don't want anybody here to think that it's some insider or something like that. When I buy in again I will let people know here.

Over time my intuition has improved and my gut is telling me then I had better not wait much longer here too cast the rest of my cash into this. Keep your eye on Chinese news Chinese holidays Chinese us trade talks all the sort of thing because I think all of it has an influence on what happens here and I agree that wants something serious happens here the price is going to fly and you're going to be looking at your screens going hey, am I seeing this right?

Spock... Some of those Chinese guys would make great Vulcans.