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03/01/19 2:18 PM

#93897 RE: mm2k #93888

Crazy or not, management has to make a decision on whether to continue the NEO program in the next 2-3 months, IMO.


03/01/19 4:24 PM

#93924 RE: mm2k #93888

Nobody working in IR, they don’t want to hear from people with skin in the game because they’ve got nothing good to say.

Thanks, but I was looking for a serious response, not editorializing.

Why do you think it's an editorial? Good to save the money with no IR, Ken can filed inquiries from the beach. Noelle was a huge waste, a jumped up secretary paid like a Sr. director.

how much longer do you give ADXS to conclude that they are crazy or they have a new partner for NEO? The AMGN agreement concluded almost a month ago now.

Dont worry, I heard Ken is a master at 3-D chess and we have them by the balls.