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02/28/19 6:19 PM

#30959 RE: Doubleday #30957

That’s is a perfect explanation. I wouldn’t think it would be legal to promote SHLDQ if it wasn’t a viable entity.


02/28/19 6:22 PM

#30961 RE: Doubleday #30957

News Releases are not SLHDQ

See other posts I have on this showing exactly why this is true. The press releases are for Sears not SHLDQ, the stock ticker is no longer on Sears press releases. They are from Transform Holdco and being picked up automatically because the word Sears or Kenmore is in them.

its all good news for Sears but has nothing to do with SHLDQ.


02/28/19 7:53 PM

#30983 RE: Doubleday #30957

Uh. Huh? Sears is still in operation. Just now owned by Transform Holdco. A private company.