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02/28/19 8:03 PM

#7043 RE: Investorr #7041

TopKnotch, I see where you are coming from, but at the same time I do understand what the others are stating on this board also. Yes there seem to be some diluting going on, but 1,500,000 shares is not going to break the mold. The shares are being dumping when the company release a great press release to absorb those shares. I've been researching FTE Networks Inc back to 3 years. They are good in release Top notch Press release to absorb the convertibles. yes the share price was on its way to $5 in a flash, but the brakes was put on quickly. IMO it was both full force dilution, profit taking and shorts joining in on the fun.

Before I could set my sell order to sell the share price shot from $3.16 on open to over $4.4 in a matter of seconds. So I set my sell order $5.05 and the share price never went pass $4.44, I was still able to get out over $4.

I'am looking forward to the next mega news release. The Big release of large contracts does send the share price soaring in a frenzy move up and down on open market. I like this. Buyers and Sellers just has to be ready to place their orders or change them quickly. Yes its nerve wrecking to be quick and at the same time think about what price you're going to sell or buy at in a hurry. and worse to change your order because it is either to low too buy or too high to sell. No one like to leave big money on the table or lose money because it took them to long to change their sell or buy order.

Still I enjoy the rush of these fast moving stock on open that moves very fast in either direction. I just don't want to get stuck holding the bag, and at the same time I want to make lots of money. Its hard to catch these types of trades that pay off grand in a matter of minutes. So that is why I'am looking forward to FTE Networks Inc next big press release, and they are known for releasing great news very often.

Good Luck to you and everyone else looking to increase their wealth here and with other investments and trading.
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02/28/19 10:49 PM

#7045 RE: Investorr #7041

he doesn't understand that operating margins are so small that they don't have enough cash flow to pay down/off debt. Only way for debt to be reduced is upon conversion. The damn business model is flawed.