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02/28/19 12:52 PM

#508957 RE: Potty #508954

just need Calabria confirmed in Senate before March 31st ...

Conservator can then - TELL THEM TO KEEP THEIR OWN PROFITS !!!


02/28/19 1:23 PM

#508974 RE: Potty #508954

I view Calabria's mandate is to overturn the entire SPSPA as illegal. Every comment made by first Mnuchin, then Otting and now Calabria has focused on getting taxpayers de-risked of another bailout.

UST is staring down the barrel of a bazooka loaded with $200 B in open Treasury draws that the GOV has specifically GUARANTEED.

This whole SPSPA saga is about to be fully unwound, money from a failed conservatorship returned to the entities and F&F released to determine their recap strategy. FHFA's only role will be to regulate, starting with a capital standard and some form of waiver to provide time for full capital formation attainment.

This is going to be a beautiful thing to sit back and watch.



02/28/19 1:54 PM

#508996 RE: Potty #508954

"I think Calabria has a mandate to overturn the NWS -- his appointment involves swearing an oath to uphold the law and constitution. So he has to do what he takes the law to require... so the NWS has to go."

Yeah, everybody in government takes that oath. Wake up and smell the coffee ….. and move forward out of the 18th century. Swearing-ins and oaths in D.C. are a social hour laugh fest!


02/28/19 2:29 PM

#509021 RE: Potty #508954

I hope so

Would love to see the NWS disappear (or have the buffer be moved to 100B at Fannie)