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02/27/19 6:14 PM

#619 RE: Tim W 2 #618

Jerry really needs to stop letting journalists print that he "previously worked on electric cars for NASA"

He was a co-founder of a tiny startup called KleenSpeed that rents space at a NASA business park.
There is no mention of him on the KleanSpeed website.

Also, I dont think NASA is in the business of hiring staff with seemingly no technical qualifications or experience.

The more attention the stock gets, the greater the chance that someone is going to call him out on all the NASA press.

He also needs to stop calling potential customers dumb.

"“When 83 per cent of people who are travelling are doing it by themselves in a five-person gas car, that’s as dumb as seeing somebody walk down a sidewalk with a desktop computer just to check their email,” Kroll says."

Most people cant afford two vehicles, no matter how cheap the 2nd car is

If I need a mini van to drive the kids to hockey practice then thats the car I'm driving everywhere. It doesnt make me dumb