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02/26/19 12:02 AM

#37151 RE: Vexari #37150

What is a Republic, anyway?

Six Characteristics of a True Republic

Hope for the Future

Can the republican ideals which animated the framers ever be rekindled?

Is there still a spark of that "vigilant and manly spirit which actuates the people of America" left alive in our country today?

Or is the living essence of free republican government lost to us forever?

And are we therefore doomed to live in a "representative democracy" for the rest of our days?

Time alone will tell the tale. One thing is certain.

We will never live in a real Republic until the vast majority of our compatriots come to understand what self-government is really all about.

Based on the concepts of limited authority, individual liberty, and personal responsibility

-- ought fervently to hope and pray that this beautiful word, Republic, will soon be restored to its former luster.

May our daily lives shine as vibrant examples of the republican virtue which is the necessary ground for Liberty

-- and may our neighbors learn from those examples what that tarnished and neglected term, Republic, really ought to mean.