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80 bluchip 20 pot

02/25/19 6:04 PM

#47055 RE: somanymike #47054

doubt the 2-3 mil volume theory at 1/2.

if dilution appears over, and asks stay at 50M or less, you will see more of the cartel besides me snapping that up. and if dilution over, none of those naysayers and MMs got a lot of 1s to flip asking at 2.

I totally agree with you of the dilution of PR, even positive PR like 50K "revenue" on ambassador. also the dizzying dumping of shares right on with PR sends a signal they didn't want. but if dilution is "over" and if my theory is correct, it pretty much is that last 100M can be absorbed, you will see old blood starting to seriously hit the ask wall.

yes yes even I agree ballas is corrupt. but as we've posted here last Friday (smokey's posts and cartel members not mine) that ballas goes to jail would be bad. only people wanting to lose everything would want that. they'd halt trading, put the company under investigation etc.
Ballas stepping down for a real money nerd would be ok. but to be honest, to have ballas SCARED of going to jail a "scrooge" moment so he takes this company which IS profitable (referencing other actual ambassadors reporting positive sales, and my belief that this thing will go viral to DESPITE ballas crookedness) plus the 10% possibility hat ballas is now getting advice which could convince him and his crooked execs that he could become ridiculously rich from sales and management instead of doing stock price manipulation, is prevalent.

I still advocate having GTC at trip 1 (i'm doing this but I'm def in the 500M-800M back of the queue orders, and nibbling at the trip 2 wall, I pick up 20K at trip 1 every 100K order it seems on a downturn.

at this point, as I've hit again and again. I agree Ballas is corrupt. But even with that assumption, the stock price is so low now that many of the tools of a corrupt stock manipulation machine have run out. it gets more and more possible that letting this thing run even to a high trip mini pop without press is possible.

agreed, financials matter a lot. I expect ballas probably has no profit to show that's why he hasn't released. "tepid" is the word. Q4 2018 actually might be horrid because it was pre-ambassador. As I've said before If I was ballas and sales for Q1 2019 post ambassador were awesome....I'd actually pull what tons of crap pennies do and skip a quarter.

but with all being said, I can't contest that this stock is a POS. but as other longs and cartel members have hinted. we're in, and there's no reason to disgust sell and walk away yet.

if you want us to sell trying to help - thanks, we understand we're screwed but not yet.

if you are with us as a long lamenting - yes. no news sucks, financials Q4 2018 will be no help, but look on bright side we are already at 1/2 not much to watch on paper go down. Patience is the answer

if you are trying to get in at trip 1 - if you aren't in the front of the might not get any. if you are in the back of the queue and get it, you might not want what you get.