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02/25/19 3:11 PM

#81024 RE: trader59 #81023

Thus the beta testing for over a year at 10,000 - 20,000+ actual user enterprises to resolve issues and adopt user suggested recommendations. (See my post prior to this). Did those other OTC companies do that? Do they have full stack integration with other GDPR related products like vDPO, Privacy Manager, Araloc, ArcMail, and TEKsystems working in tandem with them? Just curious.


02/26/19 7:36 PM

#81177 RE: trader59 #81023

T9...If you look through some of my earlier posts you'll find were I explain this process in depth. You have to keep in mind that Data443 isn't a company selling a new T-Shirt design. They sell a way to manage and protect your most valuable data by the end user. This is one of the key features that separates them from all competitors. The competition is 100% managed and maintained through the IT departments. That's why competitive products have been failing up to now. What does the IT department know about what personal data is valuable and to who? They may know some of the obvious stuff. However, true protection starts with the end user. It's the only way to be successful with data breaches. The way the world addressed this issue in the past needs to remain in the past. Data443's approach to data breaches is the future and their biggest hurdle is training the mindset of executives moving forward. Do you know what the typical response from a general manager, VP, President or owner is when you tell them we need to be looking into ways to better protect our data? It's "what for? That won't ever happen to us" I can't tell you how many times I've heard it and I've even received a phone call shortly after asking me if we had a way to secure a soon to be ex employee from taking specific data with them. So the first years focus for Data443 has been a process of making a footprint. Setting up and training resellers to start to begin selling their product. When someone buys Classidocs they aren't buying an out of the box software product that they just need to install on one computer and expect all your problems to be solved. When a company purchases Classidocs they buy a personal experience customized to their enviroment. No two network environments are the same. So this process is customized and deployed properly and strategically to assure a company never experiences downtime. Most companies can take a year or more to deploy a software like this. Data443 is able to do it in half the time. With that being said...if you still feel no one wants this software...or that they've had enough time to prove themselves....Then I seriously suggest you look for a different investment. This one may not be for you...good-luck