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11/11/06 9:21 PM

#403 RE: Buckey #402

Symbol: MXXR
Current price: Around $0.018
Short Term Target: $0.10
Long Term Target: $0.45

Results from MXXR's latest drilling will be announced very
soon. Excitement is building, and the inside word is that
the results will exceed expectations!

In order to benefit from this lucrative opportunity you need
to get in now, before the big news release. There's still
time, but not much. The news could be out as early as
Tuesday, November 13th.

THIS is the one you've been waiting for! Do yourself a
favor and make that big score!
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11/11/06 9:23 PM

#404 RE: Buckey #402

I believe we could see RSMI explode next week!!! Make sure you research it this weekend.

It was just announced a few days ago that Microsoft has signed a bunch of deals to turn their XBox into an on-demand IPTV device.

Sony is releasing the PS3 on November 17th and they are planning to announce huge IPTV deals as well.

I believe RSMI's Cupria is the biggest piece of IPTV technology ever developed because it will allow telephone companies to transmit data at greater speeds over longer distances using existing copper telephone wire.

Finally thanks to RSMI, telephone companies will be able to provide a "cable-competitive" level of IPTV services to compete with cable companies!!!

The timing of all this IPTV publicity is perfect! RSMI will be launching the initial version of Curpria next month!!!
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11/11/06 9:24 PM

#405 RE: Buckey #402

Our next feature is capitalizing on this situation in China
with great success. Big partnerships have been made. Big
results are set to be announced and a heavyweight publicity
blitz is just beginning.

We are looking at a boost of over 200% over the next week.
There is no reason you should not allow yourself to benefit
from a big break. Don't let this one slip by!

Symb: AUNI
Currently: $O.66
Projected: $2.14

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11/12/06 12:45 PM

#406 RE: Buckey #402

Our Hottest pick this year! Brand new issue Cana Petroleum!

VERY tightly held, in a booming business sector, with a huge publicity
campaign starting up, Cana Petroleum (CNPM) is set to bring all our readers
huge gains. We advise you to get in on this one and ride it to the top!

Symbol: CNPM
Current Price: $2.95
Projected Price: $11.40

Check the stats! Check the level 2! Imagine what this one will do when the
full force of the PR campaign hits it, in conjunction with smashing news!

Major oil discovery? We are not permitted to say at this point. All we can
say is that this one is going to see amazing appreciation in a very short
period of time! This is your opportunity. Win big with CNPM!