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02/24/19 1:29 AM

#894 RE: Getitgogone #893


To me it looks like Bankruptcy but I guess I would have to throw it to an expert and ask the question >>>

What makes this different from Bankruptcy?

It certainly reads similar to Bankruptcy !


02/25/19 8:57 PM

#895 RE: Getitgogone #893

If this is the end of the line and the Fat lady is singing on NUSMF

I'm now wondering if the two largest shareholders who seem to be able to pick up the the puzzle pieces (assets) will re-start the project with a new ticker symbol,new MGMT. and of course a new trading symbol and this will continue into the future to see it to fruition.

If that happens all "old" shareholders get crapped on and it will become a new game.

I would still be interested in "investing" in the new company if one is formed because no matter how difficult this journey has been or still will be in the future ... Someone will mine the seabed and with the equipment they have already created (seafloor robots etc.) They still have a better chance than anyone else I think.

For me Nautilus lost my trust way back when they were so stupid that they transfered 10 million dollars to the wrong entity and basically had it stolen from them;Stupidest thing I ever saw them do and I still smell a Big Fat RAT involved ,,,,, might have went to Johnstons bank account....there was no real follow through on that screw up.

It's an interesting story and one that cost current shareholders millions ..... so sad Johnston ... You obviously should never have been CEO of the company.

As well on this board apparently no one is reading my posts or commenting if you are...... so this has become my own personal ledger or Blog LOL!

:-) Happy Trading !!!