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02/20/19 2:16 PM

#116461 RE: Turbozen #116458

LOL! The permian basin cover 5.5 million acres of land.

Anyone can buy land in this area for under a $100 an acre if they wanted. Seems that is exactly what MMEX did.

The desert land in the permian basin is only worth money if it is producing oil. MMEX ain't doing that, they ain't doing anything put pushing desert dirt around every few months and erecting a single flagpole.

Everything that MMEX PR's has been proven to be just the new carrot for the third party promoters to parrot to allow the noteholders to dump their shares. A simple look at the chart with the pops and the volumes shows EXACTLY what is happening. The 95% loss in a year proves all their carrots are rotten.

IT get worse from here folks, MUCH, MUCH WORSE.

About to see some nasty death spiral dumping soon.

The promotions are failing miserably now.